Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The spiritual aspect

My throat has recovered nicely from the tonsillectomy/biopsy procedures.   I can now eat just about whatever I want and I'm trying to put back the weight I lost in preparation for the upcoming radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Today I meet with the chemo oncologist, then tomorrow I have a pet scan.  That should just about do it for the pre-treatment consults and procedures.  I'll be scheduled to have a PEG Tube inserted into my stomach; in case I become unable to swallow as the treatments progress, then I'll start the chemo/rad procedure in about 10 days - 6.5 weeks of daily radiation with 3 chemo shots interspersed.

I expect that there will be some difficult days ahead; I've been told that my throat will become very dry and I could find it so difficult to swallow I'll need to get nourishment directly fron the PEG tube.  Side effects from the chemo vary between patients - maybe nausea, fatigue, skin rashes, etc.

The spiritual aspects so far have been incredibly consistent with what I have read in the Bible and heard through the past many years from other "believers" who have gone through similar experiences.  First of all prayer is without any doubt the most powerful supernatural "medicine" God has to offer.  I know that there are scores of believers praying daily for Deanna and I, and even though it is hard to explain, I feel and see the results.  The "peace beyond understanding" that scripture speaks of is as real as rain for us right now.  I'll let you know if and when that changes as the treatments progress.

It has been twenty some years ago since I surrendered my will and life to God.  I remember vividly how I responded to worldly challenges prior to that surrender...with fear, anger, self-pity, lustfulness, judgmentalism, etc.  I am thankful that those "cancers of the spirit" no longer hold me captive.  Don't misunderstand me on this - I am tempted daily by those same "demons", but at least for now they are just old shadows that briefly pass over me and then dissappear as I call on the light of Jesus to protect me.

Onward and forward..."Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him" Job 13:15


  1. Yes, we are all as Christians, in the process of spiritual growth. Hard to admit, but the growth often comes with the trials. What comforts we have in the WORD, Christian fellowship and prayer. Love you, Jeannie

  2. The peace that passes ALL understanding is such a sweet spot!

  3. What a testimony of what happens when God's people are in a trial - that His peace is there and is so hard to describe to others unless they too have gone through those tight, hard places. Thanks for letting us know how to continue to pray. As you say prayer is the most powerful way we can come along side you. And we know that God does hear and does answer - He is faithful. Praying for you, Cheryl D.
